Sabah dan Sarawak adalah BERSTATUS NEGARA dan bukannya Negeri.

Sabah dan Sarawak adalah sebuah Negara yang MERDEKA DAN BERDAULAT yang mana kedua - dua NEGARA ini telah bersama-sama dengan Singapura dan Malaya untuk membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963.

Happy Sabah (North Borneo) Independence Day 51 Years

Sabah or previously known as North Borneo was gained Independence Day from British on August 31, 1963. To all Sabahan, do celebrate Sabah Merdeka Day with all of your heart!

Sarawak For Sarawakian!

Sarawak stand for Sarawak! Sarawakian First. Second malaysian!

The Unity of Sabah and Sarawak

Sabah dan Sarawak adalah Negara yang Merdeka dan Berdaulat. Negara Sabah telah mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1963 manakala Negara Sarawak pada 22 Julai 1963. Sabah dan Sarawak BUKAN negeri dalam Malaysia! Dan Malaysia bukan Malaya tapi adalah Persekutuan oleh tiga buah negara setelah Singapura dikeluarkan daripada persekutuan Malaysia.

Sign Petition to collect 300,000 signatures

To all Sabahan and Sarawakian... We urge you to sign the petition so that we can bring this petition to United Nations to claim our rights back as an Independence and Sovereign Country for we are the Nations that live with DIGNITY!

Decedent of Rajah Charles Brooke

Jason Desmond Anthony Brooke. The Grandson of Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke, and Great Great Grandson of Rajah Charles Brooke

Friday 28 November 2014

Kenyataan RASMI SSKM-SSU(UK) terhadap kenyataan Zahid Hamidi dan Najib Razak berhubung dengan Pengharaman SSKM

Salam sejahtera, Salam Perpaduan dan Salam Kemerdekaan Negara Sabah dan Kemerdekaan Negara Sarawak untuk kali ke-51 tahun kepada semua Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak. Saya, Doris Jones mewakili Kumpulan Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) yang bergerak dibawah naungan Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) yang bernama Sabah Sarawak Union (SSU)-UK, yang telah berdaftar secara SAH dibawah bidang Perundangan United Kingdom (UK) ingin membuat kenyataan rasmi bagi dua kenyataan yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Zahid Hamidi selaku Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan juga Najib Razak selaku Perdana Menteri Malaysia berhubung dengan kenyataan mereka bahawa SSKM di Haramkan dan Akta Hasutan Dikekalkan untuk membendung pergerakkan Pemisah Sabah dan Sarawak.

Saya ingin merujuk kepada berita online The Malaysian Insider dengan tajuk "Haram semua kempen bawa Sabah Sarawak Keluar dari Malaysia" dan Berita Harian yang bertajuk "Najib Berani dan Tegas".

Antara alasan yang diberikan oleh zahid hamidi adalah "Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) sudah ambil langkah membatalkan dan mengharamkan semua pertubuhan yang pemimpinnya berkempen di Sabah dan Sarawak mahu (membawanya) keluar dari Malaysia"[1]. Ditambahnya lagi "Pendaftar Pertubuhan sudah mengazetkan (sebagai haram) semua nama pertubuhan berkenaan,"[2]. Selain itu, dia juga berkata "Jika akta ini dikuatkuasakan dengan mengambil kira dua perkara tadi, maka KDN melalui Polis Diraja Malaysia akan ambil tindakan,"[3] dan "Ia akan diperkukuh dengan menambah peruntukan khas bagi melindungi kesucian agama Islam dan agama lain serta mengambil tindakan terhadap sesiapa yang menuntut pemisahan Sabah dan Sarawak dari Malaysia"[4]. Manakala alasan yang diberikan oleh najib razak adalah "Kita harus ada komitmen tentang keadaan itu, oleh sebab itu perlu ada kerjasama antara kita dan ambil langkah sama-sama memperkuatkan lagi semangat juang ke arah memperkuatkan negara pada masa akan datang,"[5].

Pertama [1], saya berasa sangat kehairanan bercampur lucu dengan senyuman tawa apabila mendapat tahu bahawa Menteri dalam Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) iaitu zahid hamidi telah membatalkan dan mengharamkan pertubuhan di Sabah dan Sarawak mahu (membawanya) keluar dari Malaysia. Satu persoalan untuk zahid hamidi, sejak bila SSKM ini sebuah NGO yang berdaftar di "malaysia"? Pada tahun bilakah SSKM berdaftar dengan ROS? Jikalau SSKM ini tidak berdaftar di "malaysia" melalui ROS, bagaimana KDN boleh mengharamkan SSKM? Jelas sungguh kecetekkan dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh seseorang yang bergelar menteri samseng di malaysia. Ia Sungguh memalukan. Biar saya terangkan secara ringkas agar anda faham. SSKM merupakan Kumpulan Sosial yang ditubuhkan didalam Facebook. Di dalam Facebook, anda bebas untuk menubuhkan apa-apa sahaja kumpulan sosial yang diinginkan. KDN dan ROS tidak mempunyai hak dan locus standi untuk mengharamkan mana-mana kumpulan sosial yang ditubuhkan dalam Facebook. SSKM bergerak didalam Media Sosial dan telah menjadi sebuah NGO yang berdaftar penuh di United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK). Untuk pengetahuan anda juga, pergerakkan untuk menuntut Kemerdekaan di UK bukanlah satu jenayah kerana ia telah ditakrifkan sebagai Hak Suara Bangsa dalam sesebuah Negara menurut resolusi Persatuan Bangsa-Banga Bersatu (PBB). Atas sebab itulah mengapa perjuangan Referendum Bangsa Negara Scotland yang menuntut perpisahan daripada UK dilihat sebagai satu perjuangan Hak Asasi Manusia yang mesti dihormati. Berbalik kepada perkara tadi, kempen Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia tidak hanya dilakukan oleh orang-perseorangan tetapi setiap rakyat yang menyokong perjuangan SSKM ini adalah secara tidak langsung merupakan pemimpin kepada kelompak mereka dan ia adalah satu jumlah yang tidak dapat dibayangkan. Jadi, persoalan "haram" itu adalah tidak sah serta tidak mempunyai asas untuk mengharamkan kumpulan sosial  dalam Facebook yang mana SSKM adalah sebenarnya merupakan kumpulan sosial didalam Facebook.

Kedua [2], Saya berfikir perkara ini sudah dinyatakan dengan jelas pada penjelasan pertama saya tadi bahawa Pendaftar Pertubuhan tidak berhak dan tidak mempunyai locus standi untuk mengharamkan sesebuah kumpulan yang tidak berdaftar dengan ROS apatah lagi apabila ia hanyalah kumpulan sosial yang ditubuhkan dalam Facebook dan telah mendapat sokongan majoriti daripada rakyat Negara Sabah dan rakyat Negara Sarawak. Sama ada sokongan tersebut secara terang-terangan mahupun tidak, itu yang mampu saya katakan menurut pandangan peribadi serta kumpulan sosial Facebook kami.

Ketiga [3], "Jika" akta ini diluluskan, pihak polis boleh mengambil tindakan. Untuk itu, saya dengan segala hormat mempersilakan anda untuk menjalankan tugas seperti mana yang telah diperuntukkan didalam akta tersebut. Apa yang telah disampaikan oleh pihak SSKM yang merupakan satu Kumpulan Sosial didalam Facebook adalah berdasarkan kepada Sejarah Fakta Berbukti yang telah tercatat tanpa sebarang tokok tambah. Seperti yang diperkatakan oleh salah seorang Pejuang Kebangsaan Borneo daripada Negara Sabah iaitu YB.Datuk Dr.Jeffrey G.Kitingan, sebarang penangkapan terhadap mana-mana aktivis Nasionalis Sabah atau Sarawak akan menjadi Pengakhiran terhadap malaysia. Apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh pihak SSKM ini adalah untuk melengahkan masa demi memberikan peluang kepada kerajaan malaya yang telah menyamar menjadi malaysia untuk memperbetulkan keadaan jikalau benar tidak mahu perpisahan ini berlaku dengan cara "Hormati Perjanjian Malaysia" segera tanpa sebarang syarat. Tetapi nampaknya pihak kerajaan yang menyamar ini sememangnya ingin mempercepatkan perpisahan. Dengan itu, lakukan apa sahaja yang anda fikirkan boleh untuk kepentingan kelangsungan politik anda, bn-umno. Tetapi perjuangan SSKM yang ditubuhkan melalui media sosial Facebook dan kini telah bergerak dibawah naungan Sabah Sarawak Union (SSU)-UK tidak akan berganjak daripada pendirian bahawa Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak Harus dan Mesti menamatkan persekutuan dengan malaya dalam persekutuan malaysia.

Keempat [4], Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak tidak memerlukan akta untuk melindungi mana-mana agama di Borneo. Ini kerana bangsa kami sudah memahami batas kepada perbincangan apabila ia melibatkan soal agama. Ini kerana Agama adalah Hak Individu. Tidakkan goyah iman seseorang biarpun seribu satu cubaan untuk melemahkan imannya jikalau ia berpegang kepada kepercayaannya. Kami saling menghormati antara satu sama lain kerana dalam keluarga kami juga terdiri daripada pelbagai agama yang hidup sebumbung dalam satu keluarga yang terdiri daripada pelbagai etnik hasil daripada perkahwinan campur. Budaya dan Nilai keBornean ini sudah lama wujud dalam masyarakat Bangsa Borneo di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak. Maka dengan itu, anda tidak berhak untuk mengajar kami untuk menghormati agama kerana anda terlebih dahulu yang perlu belajar bagaimana untuk menghormati agama orang lain termasuk agama sendiri. Saya memberi jaminan bahawa Perpisahan Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak daripada persekutuan malaysia ini PASTI berlaku dan menjadi nyata. Hanya masa sahaja yang menentukan kerana semua perkara yang terjadi adalah indah pada waktunya. Saya tidak menafikan bahawa ia mungkin memakan masa bertahun-tahun tetapi saya melihat itu adalah satu peluang untuk pihak SSKM mengukuhkan lagi perjuangan ini agar rakyat Bangsa Negara Sabah dan rakyat bangsa Negara Sarawak terbuka mata untuk melihat segala kepincangan malaya yang selama ini telah menjajah Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak secara halus melalui tiga cara yang jelas telah dan sedang dilakukan selama ini. Pertama, Kerajaan persekutuan tanah melayu (malaya) yang telah menyamar menjadi kerajaan persekutuan malaysia telah berusaha untuk mengkaburkan sejarah Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak dengan mengurangkan pendedahan mengenai sejarah Borneo tetapi memperbanyakkan pula sejarah malaya yang tidak mempunyai signifikan langsung kepada bangsa Borneo malah boleh diragui kebenaran serta keasliannya. Kedua, malaya berusaha untuk melenyapkan segala bukti bahawanya Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak merupakan rakan-rakan kongsi dalam persekutuan malaysia ini. Dan yang lebih jelas lagi apabila malaya terus-menerus menyebarkan propaganda bahawa kononnya malaysia itu telah merdeka pada 31 Ogos 1957 . Ditambahnya konon Negara Sabah (dahulunya North Borneo @ Borneo Utara) dan Negara Sarawak telah "menyertai" malaysia. Apa?! Anda fikir Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak Bodohkah?! Iya kepada pemimpin tempatan yang menjadi barua malaya melalui parti politik umno dan bn Sabah. Itu barulah golongan orang Bodoh kerana mengiyakan sesuatu perkara yang jelas kesongsangan faktanya itu! Dan Ketiga ialah malaya melalui parti umno berusaha untuk mencuci otak pemikiran Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak dengan berusaha untuk menyerapkan ideologi politik kotor mereka melalui pindahan perlembagaan persekutuan demi meluaskan pengembangan pengaruh umno dengan mengatakan bahawa jikalau seseorang itu bercakap melayu, beragama Islam dan mengamalkan budaya melayu, individu itu secara langsung boleh ditakrifkan sebagai melayu. Dengan cubaan untuk menjadikan Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak yang terdiri daripada puluhan etnik yang mempraktiskan budaya yang unik kepada satu etnik ini dengan mengatakan "rumpun melayu" adalah sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan pengekalan identiti etnik-etnik yang wujud di Borneo. Kajian mengenai rumpun melayu itu adalah satu kajian yang sentiasa boleh dipersoalkan kebenarannya jikalau wujud kajian baru. Setiap etnik yang wujud di Borneo iaitu di Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak perlu dan mesti mengekalkan identiti budaya mereka agar tidak lenyap hasil daripada pengaruh daripada identiti budaya lain. Itu salah satu perjuangan SSKM.

Kelima [5], kepada najib, pemimpin-pemimpin Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak sudah dan telah lama memberikan komitmen dan kepercayaan mereka dalam usaha untuk menjaga dan menyelamatkan identiti persekutuan yang terdiri daripada empat buah negara yang telah Merdeka dan Berdaulat namun siapakah yang tidak mempunyai komitmen dan kerjasama dalam menjaga batas kuasa politik? Adakah dengan mencampuri urusan pentadbiran politik Negara Sabah dan Negara Sarawak itu merupakan kerjasama yang dimaksudkan? Siapakah yang tidak mempunyai semangat untuk mengembalikan identiti Persekutuan Malaysia yang telah ditandatangani pada 9 Julai 1963 dan dibentuk pada 16 September 1963? Apakah dengan menukarkan nama kerajaan persekutuan tanah melayu (malaya) kepada nama kerajaan persekutuan malaysia itu satu bentuk kerjasama? Adakah dengan menurunkan status "Negara" Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi "negeri" itu telah bermaksud untuk memperkuatkan negara? Persoalannya, siapakah yang perlu memiliki komitment dan kerjasama untuk menyelamatkan negara malaysia? Kini, segala kerjasama dan komitmen adalah lebih menjurus kepada "MENAMATKAN" persekutuan dengan malaya daripada persekutuan malaysia. Ini adalah suara asli Bangsa Negara Sabah dan Bangsa Negara Sarawak. 

SSKM merupakan sebuah kumpulan sosial yang ditubuhkan didalam Facebook dan tidak melalui ROS di malaysia. Maka, pengharaman tersebut adalah tidak sah kepada kumpulan SSKM. SSKM bergerak dibawah naungan Sabah Sarawak Union (UK) yang berdaftar di UK. Dibawah bidang perundangan UK, menuntut Kemerdekaan bukanlah satu jenayah malah dilindungi lagi aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh mana-mana NGO seperti ini di UK termasuk NGO SSU(UK).

Dengan itu, ingin saya mengambil kata-kata daripada Sultan Brunei, Sultan Hj.Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan & Yang Dipertuan Negara Brunei mengatakan "Sejarah tidak boleh dibisukan. Bangsa yang membisukan sejarahnya adalah pengecut. Oleh itu, wajar bagi kita menjadi bangsa yang berani. Berani menyoal serta menyuluh ke dalam diri-sendiri".

Harap Maklum.

Najib bold, firm in retaining sedition law, say BN leaders – Bernama

Barisan Nasional (BN) component party leaders today hailed Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “bold and firm” leader after the latter announced the decision to retain the Sedition Act 1948 at the Umno general assembly.

They said without such firmness, it would be difficult for the nation to maintain its peace and prosperity.

Parti Bersatu Sabah president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan said the Umno president's firm decision could put to an end issues that should not have cropped up in the first place, including the secession of Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia.

"We must have commitment concerning this situation, as such, there must be cooperation among us and we must take measures together to strengthen the nation's fighting spirit,” he said after Najib delivered the presidential policy speech at the 2014 Umno general assembly today.

Najib had said that the Sedition Act would be retained with the inclusion of two special provisions aimed at protecting the sanctity of Islam and other religions besides prosecuting those who incited for the separation of Sabah and Sarawak from Malaysia.

People's Progressive Party (PPP) president Tan Sri M. Kayveas said Najib's announcement was meant to issue a warning that the government would not compromise in achieving the objective of making Malaysia a peaceful pluralistic nation.

He said the decision made was in line with the current situation and to protect public interests.

Also concurring with the decision was the president of the Kongres India Muslim Malaysia (Kimma), Datuk Seri Syed Ibrahim Kader, who said the decision was made for the good of the nation. – Bernama, November 27, 2014.

All ‘Sabah, Sarawak Keluar Malaysia’ NGOs bannedv

The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has gazetted the NGOs concerned as unlawful.

KUALA LUMPUR: Home Minister Zahid Hamid declared on Thursday that all Sabah Sarawak movements involved in getting the two Borneo states out of the Federation with the peninsula would be declared unlawful with immediate effect.

Zahid said the declaration follows Umno President and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak saying that the Sedition Act would be retained and strengthened with two key aspects including one on taking action against anyone instigating Sabah and Sarawak to leave the Federation. The other point is on Islam.

The Home Ministry, stressed Zahid, has taken steps against the NGOs concerned.

“The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has gazetted the NGOs concerned as unlawful,” said Zahid on the sidelines of the Umno General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday.

If the Sedition Act is strengthened on the two aspects, continued Zahid, the police would take the necessary action against those flouting the law.

Najib, predictably, played to the gallery at the Umno General Assembly when he pledged that the infamous Sedition Act 1948, introduced by the British but abolished in the United Kingdom, will be retained and indeed strengthened.

He had promised, not once but thrice so far, that the Sedition Act will be abolished, the last time being on cable television in London.

In a contradiction in terms, elsewhere, he pledged that all promises made will be kept so that the people will know that the ruling Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) is a party that keeps its promises.

The meet broke twice into visual images of the reformasi movement and the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia movement. Activist Hishammudin Rais and Doris Jones of Sabah featured prominently.

However, he did put in a caveat: any action taken must be fair.

The Sedition Act, under its second prong, allows for legitimate criticisms of government mistakes.

The general criticism against the Sedition Act is that it circumvents the Federal Constitution and strips the right to free speech. The Act is being challenged in the Federal Court, sitting as the Constitutional Court.

It’s likely that Putrajaya will wait for the outcome in the Constitutional Court before deciding what to do on the Sedition Act.

Thursday 27 November 2014

Sedition Act won’t scare East Malaysian secessionists

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 27, 2014: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s decision to retain the Sedition Act is seen as threatening East Malaysian groups calling for secession.

Former Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee however said Najib and the government’s threat, will not work as the people were no longer afraid to fight for their rights.

The Umno president, Yong said, must first understand why some people were calling for secession.

The Sabah Progressive Party president said Najib’s credibility has been affected by the retention of the Sedition Act.

Previous threats, Yong noted, have also come from Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.

“I believe there is no effect on the sentiments for Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) because the underlying issues and causes of secession are not being addressed,” he told The Rakyat Post.

SSKM is administered by a Sabahan, Doris Jones, who was dubbed as a disgruntled person.

He said so far, Sabah’s leaders tried to sweep the issues under the carpet or simply claim that secessionist feelings were only among very few people.

Personally, Yong however did not rule out the secession call.

“When people feel that there is no solution to their genuine grievances within the Malaysian context, then the sentiments of secession will surge.”

He urged for the Act to be abolished as its biased enforcement has already discredited that law.

Yong argued that even if the Sedition Act is used against other people in future, it would be perceived as political or biased, especially in view of the prevalent complaint that extremists like Datuk Ibrahim Ali was not charged.

Calls were made for the fiery Perkasa chief to be charged under the Act after he called for Bibles containing the word “Allah” to be burned.

Talks of secession from Malaysia have cropped up in East Malaysia over the seemingly unfair treatment by the federal government towards the two states.

It is said that more East Malaysians are signing a petition calling for Sabah and Sarawak to leave Malaysia despite the threat of being charged with sedition.

Sedition Act won’t scare East Malaysian secessionists

KOTA KINABALU, Nov 27, 2014: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s decision to retain the Sedition Act is seen as threatening East Malaysian groups calling for secession.

Former Chief Minister Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee however said Najib and the government’s threat, will not work as the people were no longer afraid to fight for their rights.

The Umno president, Yong said, must first understand why some people were calling for secession.

The Sabah Progressive Party president said Najib’s credibility has been affected by the retention of the Sedition Act.

Previous threats, Yong noted, have also come from Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.

“I believe there is no effect on the sentiments for Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) because the underlying issues and causes of secession are not being addressed,” he told The Rakyat Post.

SSKM is administered by a Sabahan, Doris Jones, who was dubbed as a disgruntled person.

He said so far, Sabah’s leaders tried to sweep the issues under the carpet or simply claim that secessionist feelings were only among very few people.

Personally, Yong however did not rule out the secession call.

“When people feel that there is no solution to their genuine grievances within the Malaysian context, then the sentiments of secession will surge.”

He urged for the Act to be abolished as its biased enforcement has already discredited that law.

Yong argued that even if the Sedition Act is used against other people in future, it would be perceived as political or biased, especially in view of the prevalent complaint that extremists like Datuk Ibrahim Ali was not charged.

Calls were made for the fiery Perkasa chief to be charged under the Act after he called for Bibles containing the word “Allah” to be burned.

Talks of secession from Malaysia have cropped up in East Malaysia over the seemingly unfair treatment by the federal government towards the two states.

It is said that more East Malaysians are signing a petition calling for Sabah and Sarawak to leave Malaysia despite the threat of being charged with sedition.

‘Najib bowed to extremists on Sedition Act’

Progressive forces in Umno were losing their case and risk being marginalized.

KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has taken the position that Umno President and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has shown his “cowardice” by bowing to the extremists on the Sedition Act and questioned his commitment to the reform agenda.

He also pointed out that Najib had pledged, not once but thrice in the recent past, that he would do away with the Sedition Act.

“I am disappointed that Najib has broken his promise to abolish the Sedition Act,” said Anwar, an ex-Internal Security Act (ISA) detainee at the Parliament lobby. “The failure is not just the Act but also the issues over governance and corruption and justice, this does not augur well for the government.”

“He has bowed to pressure from the right wing and extremist groups that want to use the law to suppress freedom and oppress the opposition and other activists.”

The Opposition Leader described Najib as a failure as a leader, as Prime Minister and as president of Umno. “His weak leadership has resulted in him caving in to demands of the right-wingers in his own party,” he added.

Anwar underlined that progressive forces in Umno were losing their case and risk being marginalized as the country is being taken back to the dark days of the draconian ISA which has since been abolished.

The main criticism against the Sedition Act, introduced by the British but abolished in the United Kingdom, is that it circumvents the Federal Constitution on the right to free speech.

The Sedition Act, in a 2nd Prong to acts considered seditious, allows legitimate criticism of mistakes made by the Government.

Sarawak folk slam Najib for Sedition Act use against secession calls

Sarawak leaders and social media users were quick to take to Facebook to condemn Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for reneging on his promise to repeal the Sedition Act 1948 and more importantly, his proposal to amend the act to criminalise calls for the secession of Sabah and Sarawak.

Lina Soo, president of the non-governmental organisation Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspiration (Sapa) that is now declared illegal, slammed the planned use of the act against Sarawak and Sabah nationalists.

She said the use of the act against nationalists violated the United Nations charter on civil liberties.

“It would go against the people's right to decide their own civil liberty,” Soo said.

Sapa was deregistered on November 14 for “carrying out activities detrimental to the interests of the security of Malaysia and public order in the country”.

But Soo reiterated that Sapa did not call for secession when it embarked on a campaign to collect facts and information to prove the Putrajaya had rendered the Malaysia Agreement of 1963 invalid.

The stipulates areas of autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak as the basis for the formation of Malaysia.

If proven legally correct in an international court of law, Soo had said, the facts gathered could lead to the separation of Sarawak and Sabah from THE PENINSULA.

The Home Ministry declared Sapa an illegal organisation, according to Section 5 (1) of the Societies Act 1966.

Najib, who is also Umno president, today said at the party's general assembly in Kuala Lumpur that the Sedition Act would be retained despite having promised in 2012 to repeal it.

Najib also said two major changes would be made to the act. One, a special clause to protect the sanctity of Islam while ensuring other religions were not insulted, and two, for action to be taken against anyone who calls for the secession of Sabah and Sarawak.

Sarawak political leaders from both sides of the divide have reacted negatively, saying the act should be used to silence those who expressed nationalistic sentiments.

The state's Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing said calls for secession were made by a small group of people and “we, however, shouldn't ignore their grouses”.

“Engage them and find out what are the causes of their unhappiness. As I had said before, don't kill the messenger or we may miss the message," Masing said when asked to respond to Najib's announcement.

“The Sedition Act was created to fight against those who wished to destabilise and take over power in Malaysia. In those days, it was the communists. Now it's different.

“If these threats still exist then it is only right that the act is retained and fortified to strengthen it if needs be.”

Masing, however, warned that the use of the act “must not be done selectively based on racial or religious prejudices”.

He said the law should be implemented judiciously and with proper input from relevant authorities including the police, “without fear or favour”.

State DAP chief Chong Chien Jen, too, disagreed that the act should be used against people advocating a breakaway.

“I had confronted (Deputy Home Minister Datuk Seri) Wan Junaidi (Tuanku Jaafar) in Parliament on this.”

Sharing Masing's view, Chong, who is also Bandar Kuching MP, said he had told Wan Junaidi that the government “should engage and address the concerns of this group of people rather than using suppression”.

“The reason behind this call for secession is mainly because of the general sentiment that Sabah and Sarawak have been unfairly treated and marginalised in the federation.

“This must be addressed by the government,” said Chong.

Najib had said his decision to keep the Sedition Act was made after considering feedback from Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Wanita Umno, Pemuda Umno, Puteri Umno, the grassroots, as well as non-governmental organisations.

On Facebook, some Sarawak social media users reacted by drawing on history to show that secessionists thoughts were nothing new in Malaysia's history.

“If Singapore was free to leave Malaysia for independence, so can we (Sarawak)," the administrator of a blog, Borneo Wiki, posted in Facebook in reacting to Najib's U-turn on the Sedition Act.

The same user also posted a picture of a 1965 news cutting from The StraitsTimes of a report Malaya back then had similar ideas in dealing with secessionists.

The Straits Times had reported that “extremists in the Alliance, particularly Umno”, wanted to have then People's Action Party leader Lee Kuan Yew arrested for advocating that Singapore leave the fledgling federation.

The Alliance is the forerunner of Barisan Nasional and Lee was Singapore's first prime minister.

The post elicited a response from another Facebook user “David Sung”, who said: “Who gave Malaya the right to detain LKY (Lee Kuan Yew) when Singapore was an equal partner to the federation? Something very wrong here.” – November 27, 2014.

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